Hi, I’m Victoria de la Torre (she/her). I come from Madrid [ES] and I’m based in Utrecht [NL].
I work at the intersection between design, art and critical thought. Through this transdisciplinary lens I reflect on our relationships with objects, spaces, and others. My commitment is towards cultivating more convivial cultures that encourage us to develop as individuals while also nurturing porous roots to the communities we belong to.
I do so both through an individual and collaborative practice. I study and interpret my cultural context to explore the frictions between the local and the global, especially focusing on how they affect our individual and collective identities. I’m also involved in networks that facilitate collective dialogues and reflections about our shared urgencies. I most often work with social organisations, artistic collectives, cultural and educational institutions and transdisciplinary research spaces.
The medium I use changes based on the process: I am comfortable researching about concepts, writing poetical and theoretical texts, crafting sculptural objects, leading initiatives, designing workshops, facilitating co-creation sessions, building spatial installations, designing a website and writing project proposals.
At the moment I am researching historical narratives and voices from my cultural background in Spain that suggest these more plural ways of rooting. I’m also teaching Design Methodologies at the online Master in Product and Service Design at the Alfonso X El Sabio University in Madrid [ES].

2024 _ Contribution in a publication | Un cuento de aventuras | Percibir y transformar lo cotidiano. Parámetros de aprendizaje artístico-performativo para trabajar con la infancia | Alba Soto | Octaedro, Colección Horizontes Universidad, 2024 | ISBN: 978-84-10282-51-3
2023 _ Essay (self-published) | Anxious bodies in the anxious culture | Victoria de la Torre | Limited Handcrafted Edition
2021 _ Paper | A.I.R.: from radical individuality to collected subjectivity | Cuesta Fernández, E.; de la Torre Luque, V. and Arnanz Coll | Temes de Disseny (#37), Invisible Conflicts: The New Terrain of Bodies, Infrastructures and Information | P. 2021, Barcelona [ES]
2021 _ Chapter in publication | Can we collectively influence the systems that surround us? | Brown, A.; Cuesta Fernández, E.; de la Torre Luque, V. and Arnanz Coll | P. 2021, Science Gallery Dublin & Trinity College Dublin [IR]
2021 _ Chapter in publication | Criaturas Im(AI)ginarias | Cuesta Fernández, E.; Mingorance, D.; de la Torre Luque, V. and Silva, S. | Brusadin, B. y Joler, V. (Editors) | Anatomies of a Black Box. Freeport Institute and Matadero Estudios Críticos | Madrid [ES]
2024 _ Rootedness / Uprootedness
Text-based workshop to reflect together about the notions of rooting and unrooting and how we can build or dismantle them.
Mutual Support Platform’s exhibition (a collective formed by the community of the MAFA) at the Uitfeest | CASCO Art Institute Working For The Commons | Utrecht [NL]
2024 _ Collective explorations of multi-voiced spaces in art education | Co-driven with Changli Luo within the TAPOTA collective
A week program to explore the concept of multivoicedness and how it can be practised in art education | HKU BA Fine Art, Pastoe Fabriek | Utrecht [NL]
2024 _ Hidden Arts | CASCO Art Institute for the Commons | Utrecht [NL]
2023 _ Refractions | Basis voor de Actuele Kunsten (BAK) | Utrecht [NL]
2022 _ A scenic route to self | NEST | The Hague [NL]
2019 _ Iberoamerican Design Biennial | Matadero Madrid | Madrid [ES]
2019 _ 1st prize | Experimenta Magazine
2019 _ Madrid Design Festival award
2019 _ Producto Fresco | Matadero Madrid | Madrid [ES]
2020 _ Birds don’t take the train, but we do | Artists in Retreat | Blekinge [SE]
2020 _ Artist in Residency/Remoteness Program | Science Gallery Dublin & Accenture’s innovation centre The Dock w/ Elisa Cuesta and Pedro Arnanz (aka. Multiplay) | Dublin [IR]
MA Fine Arts | Hogeschool voor de Kunsten Utrecht (HKU) | Utrecht [NL]
2020 – 2021 // 2022 – 2023
BSc Industrial Design Engineering and Product Design Development | Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM) | Madrid [ES]
2013 – 2017
ACTIVE MEMBER | Towards a Pluriversity of the Arts (TAPOTA) Collective | Utrecht [NL]
A collective of teachers, students and alumni based at HKU that researches theoretically and through artistic interventions ways for a decolonised and plural artistic education.
From 2024
MUSEUM HOST AND GUIDE | NXT Museum | Amsterdam [NL]
Contact with the public at the exhibitions and mediation with the artworks.
2022 September – 2023 November
LECTURER AND FINAL PROJECTS TUTOR, MASTER LEVEL | Master in Product and Service Design, Universidad Alfonso X El Sabio | Madrid [ES]
Subject: “Methodologies for Innovation”, involving design research, processes and methods from a critical and reflective approach.
2021 September – Present
DESIGN AND ARTISTIC RESEARCHER | Independent | Madrid [ES], Utrecht [NL] & Cyberspace
A research-based practice at the intersection of design and contemporary art tackling societal issues from a personal and poetic perspective.
2020 March – Present
CO-FOUNDER, DESIGNER AND FACILITATOR | Macedonia Studio | Madrid [ES] & Cyberspace
A studio focused on social and cultural innovation through co-creation methodologies.
2019 March – 2021 November
Mad Lab Design Editor
2017 February – 2017 July
CO-DRIVER, DIRECTORATE (2017-2021), DESIGNER AND PRODUCER | AIDI community [Association for Investigation, Design and Innovation] | Madrid [ES]
An organisation and a community for cultural innovation through co-creation processes and public events.
2016 September – March 2021
2022 _ Acidic Waters | On postnatural speculative design | Commissioned by the Institute for Postnatural Studies | Madrid [ES]
2022 _ Melting Worlds | On postnatural artistic practices | Institute for Postnatural Studies [ES] and Museo Jumex [MX]
2020 _ Freeport 1: Anatomies of an AI | On creative alternative narrations of the technological infrastructure | Conducted by Vladan Joler and curated by Bani Brusadin | Matadero Critical Studies | Madrid [ES]
2019 _ Freeport 0: Signals and storms | On creative alternative narrations of the technological infrastructure | Conducted by Geocinema collective and curated by Bani Brusadin | Matadero Critical Studies in the Tentacular Festival | Madrid [ES]